Empowering Girls/Women through Travel

Nepal, a roof to 15,275,032 women (50.4% of total populations) are fighting for their basic rights and majorly dependent on men. Life for women is not easy in Nepal. There are struggles in every paths and journey. Our society has built big and tall walls for women it needs lots of efforts to jump over and succeed.

We women can be independent, bold, vocal: fight for our rights and raise voice against violence, become a successful entrepreneur, a fierce leader if we are given opportunities to proper education. guidance, access to skills and resources. We together can change the face of tourism industry.

The tourism sector is ranked as the fourth largest industry and experiencing rapid growth, it  provides employment opportunities to thousands of individuals. As per the 2019 Analytical Report  only 10.2% of women are actively engaged in direct roles within the tourism sector. 

Women leaders continue to face inequitable work environments, different forms of violence, questioning of their technical skills, competency and  stereotyping gender-role which results low self-esteem among women hence Explore Hub Nepal provides the “Women Leadership in Tourism Workshops” for 25 young women who are willing to or just have started their careers in the industry. The workshops were designed according to the need of current trends and importance. The six days of sessions were about “Gender Fluidity, Guide Etiquettes, Guiding Techniques, Climate Change; It’s mitigations and adaptations and ended with Photography skills” The workshops helps to build the leadership skills to lead, initiate and innovate to foster inclusivity and sustainability within the industry. It also opens different opportunities for the participants to connect with different travel companies to pursue their career through this workshop. Nepal could be one of the best destinations with welcoming environment that embraces a diverse spectrum of travelers.

We provide Career Counselling & Mentorship and, Leadership Workshops for young women. Explore Hub Nepal provides job opportunities for these women based on their interests and skills. We teach them to set boundaries, self-love, and self-care. Moreover, Explore Hub Nepal works closely with Girls Empowered by Travel Nepal, (GET Nepal) an NGO that empowers girls/young women through travel and leadership skills specially for marginalised communities. Explore Hub Nepal and GET Nepal together organised workshops for women economic empowerment programs.

The tours/treks in Explore Hub Nepal are majorly curated and led by women, in this way we are trying our best to promote sustainable tourism and economic empowerment of local women. Explore Hub Nepal focuses on Sustainable Development goals:

SDG 5: Promoting the gender equity and equality by involving and bringing more female guides in the mainstream of tourism industry. We directly work with women-led business and involve travelers in women curated experiences that helps empower them and transform their life. It will be life changing experiences.

SDG 8:  Decent work and economic growth: 10% of every tour and workshop goes to enhance the leadership and entrepreneurship skills of women. Girls Empowered by Travel Nepal (NGO) organises the Rural-Urban Cultural Exchange project through Hitaishi project, one of the leading projects of GET Nepal where both rural and urban girls/young women are given opportunities to explore beyond their communities and enhance their leadership skills. 10% of income from every bookings will go to Hitaishi programs so that they can achieve more and do more for better life.

SDG 11:Sustainable cities and communities

Our guests will be hosted by a community homestay acquainted with local people. The vehicles that are used will be electric for the transport

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

We will be partnering with different community homestay networks and women-led enterprises

I have amazing women from Gre village, women groups from Bungamati and the amazing team from Girls Empowered by Travel Nepal that is creating impacts lives of many young girls and women

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